Business Locator

HubSpot Module


Company Placement, Location Search, and Distance Calculation

The business locator modules provide a comprehensive mapping solution that enables the placement of multiple companies on a map, complete with an accompanying list. Beyond simple location plotting, these modules have advanced features like location search and distance calculation. Whether searching for nearby businesses or calculating the distance between various locations, the business locator modules streamline these tasks, offering an efficient and user-friendly tool tailored to diverse business needs.

Please be aware that this module needs a Google API token to work. External costs may appear for it.


Installation and Usage

After installing the module and dropping it on your page, you have two sets. The first one allows you to add Locations — the second is to Configure the module.


You can add as many locations as you want; every company can have multiple addresses. Following the options you have to add:

  • Company Name
  • Address — Every Address needs the actual Street, ZIP, State, City, Latitude, Longitude, Email address, URL, and Phone number. None of these fields is mandatory, except the Latitude, Longitude as the Marker is placed over these coordinates. There are many options to generate these locations. That one for instance let you calculate it easily:
  • Logo — Use an image with about 400px on 200px. Make sure all the images used have the same dimension.
  • Alternative Text for Logo
  • Active — You can turn companies On and Off.
All locations are listed in the list.

All locations are listed in the list.

Add all the information to the location.

Add all the information to the location.


The Configuration section allows you to set the following options:

  • Text: Search — Text for the the Search button (e.g. Find Partner)
  • Text: ZIP — Text for the ZIP field (e.g. ZIP Code)
  • Text: Calculate Start — Text for the Start (e.g. Start)
  • Text: Calculate End — Text for the Start (e.g. End)
  • Text: Calculate — Text for the Calculate button (e.g. Calculate Route)
  • Text: Distance — Text for the Distance field (e.g. Distance)
  • Text: Traveltime — Text for the Traveltime (e.g. Traveltime)
  • Center: Latitude and Longitude: You have the option to center the map on what ever location. You could use for instance that Latitude and Longitude to calculate it out.
  • ZIP: Country Restriction: As the ZIP Codes overlap in all the countries, you have to choose a country (e.g. US for the USA)
  • Map Zoom Level: What zoom level should be used? For instance to see the whole US, you could use 4.
  • API Token: You need a Google Maps API token. Follow this official manual, or look for a step-by-step guide online.


What should I do if I have a question?

All variables can be easily edited within the HubSpot module. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you require further assistance or wish to make any changes. We would be delighted to assist you in building your website using the HubSpot CMS.

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